Church Pastors:

Pastor Sam Oluoch Phone +254 733854353

Pastor Paul Odera Phone +254 734086170

Grace Baptist Church - Kisumu
P.O. Box 2865 - 40100

Friday, 3 October 2014

Mending the Broken Chain of Evangelism

Martin Luther the Reformer

It’s Centuries now since the great renowned period in Christian History; the Dark Ages.  Looking closely at this time in history, Christianity was at cross roads with many seeking after establishing a simple Christian faith and a clear way to salvation that was solely dependent on God and not on man as it were. These among many were key principles of purpose for the group of men and women that rose up to champion for the propagation of the gospel in its entirety. To these men such as Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Karl Barth among other reformers, man was a total sinner and could never do anything to save himself from the Judgment of God that was looming.

From cradle to grave his default position was to always succumb to his sinful nature and thus could not help it but just sin. This is to say by ourselves we are sin factories, producing sins as products that are nicely wrapped and ready for the market; interestingly enough we do not have to do the marketing. With all the helplessness of man to save himself, the God of heaven chooses to come after him out of total love. This nature of God is the true depiction of Love such that while we were still full of sins and by extension enemies of God, God out of his own mercies comes down to reconcile the relationship between us and him. He says come and let us reason together in Isaiah Chapter one verse 18. Again while we were still yet sinners Christ died for us. These gospel truths on the way of salvation made the reformers of old rise up to evangelize and preach the gospel.

 In many of his teachings, Martin Luther referred to the teachings of Apostle Paul in one of his letters to the Church in Galatia. From the book of Galatians, Paul writes to the Galatians pointing out to them that the Salvation of God to us men is by grace lest anyone should boast about it. This tells us that anyone and anybody can be saved for salvation belongs to God. Such truth made these men to labor towards preaching the gospel and leading people to Christ. No one can actually think of themselves as being more saved than others. As a matter of fact there is no first class and second class kind of salvation. God out of his own mercies has taken us all that have received his salvation through his son to be heirs in his Kingdom. We all are a royal priesthood just like Apostle Peter records. Whether rich or poor, black or white or whichever prejudice you would want to think of, the salvation of God transcends all barriers and gives life to all of us. Such is the nature of God’s salvation.

Any Christian in the contemporary world would want to quickly wish away any thoughts of the dark ages catching up with us again.  Much as we are not there yet, we are slowly slipping back to those days. The days when it was hard to preach the true gospel that lead to salvation. The struggle might have changed a little bit, but the concerns remain to be the same, the 21st Century Christian may not be battling with reformation but evangelism. Many of us Christians me included have grown cold in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ which is the way to eternal life and a perfect reconciliation to God.

It is in our times when we have more focus on certain issues that fall within our priorities. We are preoccupied with the here and now so much so that the sharing of the gospel and evangelism remains to be a preserve of the few whom we think need to go out in the remotest places and stay there serving as long term Missionaries. For those of us living in the cities, ours is to be good Christians who are very pious and pragmatic in nature and form. Observing and keeping religion to the letter. We are saved and going to heaven perpendicularly with no horizontal interference. Sunday to Sunday we attend services sitting in warm pews, singing along to wonderful songs and hymns. We even recite prayers together before getting the word of the day and finally sharing the words of grace together. Then we wait for the next service. Slowly but sadly we have become 
ritualistic attending to our most spiritual needs and seeking after edifying others as well with the amazing grace. This is not meant to send us to a guilt trip but give us a reminder and point to us the state of things as far as evangelism is concerned.

It is very easy to feel warm and comfortable in the midst of other believers and glory in that safety. Are we for instance perturbed by the number of Mosques that are ever rising yet there are very small efforts to plant Biblical Churches? Nearly every market center has a Mosque. It is hard to spot Biblical Churches live alone these charismatic cults. My assumption is that there are lots of efforts and activity from the Muslims who are trying to propagate their faith in this world. My lesson, is, there such an effort from us Christians?

How many of us are out there serving as missionaries? And how many of us have known that we all are to be accountable as far as the great commission in Mathew 28 :16 ; comes to mind. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ calls us to go ye and make disciples live alone converts. Who are we to go to? Not only the people in the remote corners of the world but the very person you sat close to in the Matatu, at the Market Place, at the gymnasium need to hear the Gospel. Think of the various places of contact where you come close to another friend who happens not to know about Christ and Salvation through him. It’s time to mend the broken chain of evangelism.

Article By: Bonface Ochieng’ Grace Baptist Church Kisumu

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