We are living in
an age where there is a lot of skepticism and new teaching and philosophy where
no one really wants to identify with absolute truth. Truth as we know it has
become so relative so much so that anything goes. There is total infiltration
and influence of eastern religions making many believers falter with others
even walking away from their faith. Recently
I was watching
on the television in one of the women prisons there was a yoga instructor
giving instructions to a number of women prisoners for purposes of exercise
they say. This idea of borrowing from eastern religions and others is slowly
becoming a common phenomenon. We are not only aping certain practices but many
of us are even going for the teachings from the other religions. The most
shocking bit is that such tendencies and teachings of this nature are sitting
comfortably on the pulpits of many of our so called evangelical Churches.
In the course of
my reading I got to this subject on supremacy of Christ and I feel we all can
remind and encourage ourselves on this again. We cannot afford to join the
bandwagon of people who are losing the focus of the main thing and are slowly
being blinded by the god of this age. In the contemporary world exclusivity has
been shunned away and preachers can even make sermons that are devoid of
Christ, everything we see in our churches and in many congregations is a kind
of teaching that is knowledge based.
These teachings
are characterized by buzz words and punch lines, if we are not taught on parenting;
we could as well be instructed on how to get out of debt by planting a seed of
a given amount of money. Biblical parenting should be encouraged by all means,
the only trouble we have with the new teachings is that there is very little of
scriptures and more of philosophies and abstract thinking in them. There is
no more faithful handling of scriptures and no wonder the gospel is never
preached and the end result is the growing number of nominal believers who are
conned of their money for all they want to hear is on wealth and health. If we carry on with this trend it will only be
for our own peril for we cannot do anything apart from Christ.
If we were to take
the centrality of Christ from our ministries and our gospel work then our work
will not amount to anything. Christ is the heart of not only the gospel but the
whole of scripture is about Him; we cannot assume that or even ignore it as
gospel workers. Others have even come to a conclusion that there are many ways
to God and so Christians need to show tolerance to the other religions since we
share some commonalities in our beliefs and teachings. This is a lie from the
devil and we should not allow ourselves to be the baits. Jesus Christ should be
central both in our faith and lives as believers. Christ is not just the truth
but He is the absolute truth, in John 14:6 He affirms this when he says “I am
the way the, truth and the life.” He is the personification of the embodiment
of truth, He is not only saying what I say is true to mean He is true but he is
the actual truth. This revelation is not one that is discovered by experience
but is the mystery of God that has been revealed over time. He substantiates
this in the verses that follow John 14:6, He gives an explanation to this claim
which means He is equal with God. Verse seven says, “If you really knew me you
would know my Father as well. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him.”
Jesus brings to us something profound that no mind can just hack it on its own;
this is the knowledge of God. God is the truth and Christ is the embodiment of
God to us and as it is this truth should be very central in our faith and walk
as believers.
The second thing
that makes Christ supreme to us is that He is the way to God and nobody can see
God except through Jesus Christ. This is central and is the heart of the gospel.
If Christianity is Christ, the cross is
the greatest key to understanding Him says Ajith Fernando National Director
Youth for Christ Sri Lanka. What the cross of Christ achieved is so vast and so
deep that numerous interpretations of it have appeared throughout the history
of the Church. Jesus confirms His claim of being the way by going to the cross
and it is at the cross that He paves the way for us and makes possible for us
to see God. What we see at the cross is substitution, the one who had no sin
takes our place as He takes our curse and as a result we are counted right with
God. When God looks down from heaven all He see’s in the lives of those who have
received the grace of Christ in light of what happened at the cross is His
important aspect of supremacy of Christ is Jesus as the life, John 14:6.
Eternal life is a primary result of Christ's saving work (John 3:16, 5:24). Jesus
often says that this life comes through a relationship we have with Him. In
John 17:3 He says, “Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only
true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” Jesus
Christ is the
author of life. Apostle Peter who was against the idea of Christ being
crucified after receiving the awakening of Christ he preaches boldly to the
people telling them that they killed the author of life. (Acts 2) Peter goes
ahead to lead them to repentance and in Acts 2 doctor Luke records that about
three thousand people received Christ on that day. We cannot walk away from
these truths that Jesus is the gospel, the way, the truth and the life. All we
can do is to be human and choose to be unfaithful in our preaching and teaching
but God remains to be true even if we walk away from His ways and the truth
that He has revealed through His son Jesus Christ. When writing to young
Timothy Apostle Paul talks of a time when people will walk away from sound
doctrine and we are living in those days till the close of this age.
By: Bonface Ochieng Grace Baptist Church Kisumu
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