Church Pastors:

Pastor Sam Oluoch Phone +254 733854353

Pastor Paul Odera Phone +254 734086170

Grace Baptist Church - Kisumu
P.O. Box 2865 - 40100

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Bible's or men's

I have had the privilege of recently reading John MacArthur’s book on Charismatic movement aptly titled ‘Strange Fire’. This is a must- read for all Christians who care for biblical Christianity which has been seriously diluted by the charismatic movement.
On the other hand, I have found myself asking: Apart from the Charismatic movement which practices many things that are hardly found in the Bible, are there any other denominations that claim Christianity but are actual wolves in sheep’s clothing?  I answer, myriad.
 If you are inclined to think that this claim is questionable, far-fetched or dubious then I believe that the evidence that follows will remove such doubts, that is, if you only believe in the truth of the Bible and treasure it.
Evidence 1.
On the issue of purgatory, some believe that when one dies, he cools himself in purgatory indefinitely before he can be promoted to glory. Meanwhile, the amount of prayers offered for his soul and gifts (including money) given to the church on his behalf, can reduce the period of stay in purgatory. The extra work merits from the ‘saints’ can also be claimed for the dead in order to increase his righteousness thus becoming fit to enter heaven. This doctrine was established in the year 1439 by a council of Florence. It is purely an invention of the said council of men which when zoomed in, has no biblical support. As one promptly said: ‘No! There are no detours on the way to heaven.’ Church history teaches that this is one of the doctrines of the Roman Catholic that brought revolt from their own men like Luther who could see the ungodly scheme behind the doctrine of purgatory, hence the birth of Protestantism.
What the Bible says:
No one comes to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day (No purgatory status is mentioned) - John 6:44. How about the thief on the cross that Jesus took with Him to glory? It was not a promise of ‘after purgatory, you will be with me in heaven.’ But it was ‘TODAY you will be with me’. How about the story of the rich man and Lazarus? When both died, according to Christ, they met their lot immediately. Heb 9:27 says that death comes once then judgment follows. Jose Rice, once a priest in the Roman Catholic church but has since come out of it (and there have been many like him since reformation period) wonders: ‘If Christ purges our sins, how is it that souls that are saved now have to go to purgatory to be purified? What kind of purgatory do the Catholics have that is not once mentioned in the Bible?’ In other words, if the doctrine of purgatory is true, then Christ’s work on the cross is null and void-hopeless. Moreover, the doctrine is foreign to the Bible.

Evidence 2.
Some denominations without blinking an eye teach that baptism has the power to save one from sin (Baptismal regeneration).
What the Bible says.
The Bible teaches that baptism comes after repentance of one’s sin after hearing of the Good News and repenting. Hence baptism is a symbol of repentance and washing away of sins. Matt. 3:11, 28:18-20 and Acts 2:38 among myriads of Scripture references.
Evidence 3.
Some teach that justification is not only received through Christ’s merits alone but also by works and observances of ordinances. Purportedly, such actions have the power to forgive sin alongside works of Christ. The church in Galatia suffered similar heresy that taught that Christ alone is not enough to save. Apostle Paul strongly opposed such doctrines of salvation by Christ plus works.
What the Bible says.
The Bible clearly teaches that salvation or justification is by faith in Christ alone. His righteousness imputed to sinners is enough to do the work in a sinner who will repent. The entire book of Galatians teaches this and I advise any sympathizer to salvation through Christ plus works to faithfully take time and read through Galatians alongside Rom 3:23-25, Eph 2:8-9 and Titus 3:5 among other Scriptures which teach the same.
Evidence 4.
Some denominations put their own traditions at par with the authority of Scripture. Declarations of mortal men (the bishops and what have you) are equally binding to their followers or even superior to the Bible. The council of men at Trent, the second Vatican council made a resolution to the effect that: ‘The church does not draw her certainty about all revealed truth from the Holy Scriptures alone.’ (Vatican 11, constitution on Divine Revelation paragraph 9). The Bible therefore by itself cannot hold sway as the only rule of faith in as far as the Roman Catholic church is concerned.
What the Bible says.
The Bible is sufficient to instruct us on all Doctrines and Christian life. On traditions Christ himself condemned such traditions of men added to our faith. 2Tim 3:16, Mark 7:9, Acts 1:16, Heb 3:7, 2Pet 1:21 etc.

Evidence 5.
Some prohibit their priests from marrying and they are made to take a vow to this effect.
The Bible says:
In 1Tim 4:1-5 one might be excused to think that Apostle Paul was prophesying about the coming of our current churches that will impose celibacy on men. Paul warns Timothy of some people who will abandon faith to follow deceiving spirits and demons’ doctrines. Such will teach that people should not marry and also to abstain from some foods (v4). If you did not know, some denominations go ahead and also prohibit their followers from eating certain foods. In Gen 2:18, God Himself said that it is not good for a man to be alone.
Evidence 6.
Some denominations challenge saint hood and priest hood of all believers but instead teach that some special men trained by them and ordained by them have the capacity to climb the ranks to priesthood. These men have the power to absolve sins. On the other hand saint hood is a preserve of some special and dead men and women whose good works while on earth were exemplary.
What the Bible says.
These churches would do well to study the entire book of Hebrews on priesthood of Christ. In Heb 9:26 Christ alone is identified as our chief priest. He suffered once for all (not many times). Cf Heb.1:3, 7: 25-27, 10: 17-18.  It is Christ alone who forgives our sins John 4:13-15.To claim that one has the power to forgive sins after Christ Jesus is blasphemy and the greatest heresy. One candidly commented on the practice of confession to priests by saying that: ‘Confession to priest is just like the water of Jacob’s well, whoever drinks of it will thirst again.’ A former Roman Catholic priest now converted to Christianity, Mr. Dario Santamaria goes ahead and confirms worse things on confession to man by saying that during their training as priests, they would be made at times to confess their sins to classmates and their superiors. Often, they would be made to lie in the door way and a priest would walk over their prostrate bodies-an act I equate to Nazism.
 In 1Pet 2:5. Revelation 5:9-10 and Heb 13: 15 the Bible gives believers the title of priest in their own right. Rom 1:1-7, 1Cor. 1:1-3, 2Cor 1: 1-2, Eph 1:1-2 etc. One does not have to confer that title to a Christian, once you believe you are a saint and a priest in your own right.

Evidence 7.
Some denominations chant to their ‘idols’ just like other idolaters do. Endless prayers are offered to several images fashioned by them.
What the Bible says.
In Matt. 6:7, Christ urges His followers not to use vain repetition in their prayers like the heathens do but instead go in to the closet and pray. The Lord, in this, points us to the character of idolatrous prayers of which such churches fall in.
Evidence 8.
Some churches believe in fellow human beings to save them and intercede for them in prayer. For example, the Roman Catholic Church believes that Mary the mother of Jesus is a better redeemer than the Son Himself. In this, Mary is like a goddess just like the heathen Roman Empire also claimed of some of their female goddesses as their redeemer.
What the Bible says.
In Acts 4:12, Apostle Peter himself, the one that the Roman Catholic uphold as the very first pope of the system denounces any doctrine that claims that salvation can be found in any other person apart from Christ. In this he head on contradicts Mariology. Cf 1Tim 2: 5-6. Matt 1:21.Mary, like any other fallen man needed a Savior for her own sins. She cannot save any body leave alone herself, but the Son can save even Mary.
Evidence 9.
Some churches believe in following the authority of men perceived to be infallible in the history of their church. For example, RC insists that Peter is the ‘rock’ on which Jesus promised that His church will be built on. All popes, since they follow in the footsteps of Peter,therefore remain as infallible as Peter was.
What the Bible says.
The Holy Bible teaches clearly that all men are sinners and therefore fallible and need a Savior. To say that a human being is sinless is a total lie: 1John 1:8-10. Did Peter sin? Yes! Who does not know that he denied Christ three times at the hour of need? Another error of his is recorded in Gal 2: 11-14.It is amazing that RC puts so much trust on men (Peter and Mary) than Jesus Christ Himself! Popes themselves are known to have made multiple errors which RC had to correct later. For example, pope Honorius 1 (626-638) taught that Christ had only one will (monothelite) as opposed to human and divine Will. RC’s own council of Constantinople (680-681) rightly condemned as an error the monothelite doctrine which Honorius held. There is no infallible man on earth, has not been and will never be except Jesus Christ.
Evidence 10.
Idolatry is condemned by God in the Ten Commandments, command number two. The victim churches are well aware of this but they cannot get rid of their idolatrous spirit. Because of this, their representative, the Roman Catholic, have gone ahead to do the unimaginable by removing this command from the Decalogue-just to give them a leeway to practice idolatry. Go to India where idols are awash the street and you will count the ones that have been mounted by the RC alongside Hindu’s and Buddhism.’
Recently I visited a shrine built on the lakeside by a Sikh who claims that all gods are equal and that it doesn’t matter which one you worship. His shrine is a representative of major religions on earth with their idols mounted in their respective rooms. I happened to ignorantly walk towards a Hindu shrine and saw a Hindu priest chanting and walking fast round a tree. Since he was in the midst of his chants and prayers, he just signaled me to the RC shrine saying ‘church, church.’ When I went to the ‘church’, idols of Mary (and other saints) and other creatures, candles etc are what met my eyes. I could not differentiate the shrine of the Hindu and Buddhist from that allocated to RC in the name of Christian religion. All of them had idols of numerous shapes.
There is no doubt that many churches today worship idols (in various forms) in spite of the many times God shouts that He hates the worship of images. In fact, such churches thrive in idolatry so much that other idolaters welcome them in their camp. One day, a Hindu converted to Christianity told me that it is easier to convert a Hindu into RC than into Protestantism- simply because they will easily identify with the idolatry of RC. God punished the sin of Idolatry in Israel among other sins by sending them to captivity for seventy years.
What I have presented here is a very brief scheming through the beliefs and practices of some churches. If one cares to up hold the Scriptures above human teachings, you will quickly come to a conclusion that Christianity in our present age, is under attack from many forces which is giving many people a comfortable ride to hell: Unfortunately such confusing denominations have the largest following in the world today in the name of Christianity. May I urge everyone who still respects the Bible to remain faithful to it and preach it. The wave of confusion is real and strong and it is only those who choose to worship God aright that will stand.
Do we have any reason to associate with such as Christians? No! Not at all. They preach and practice a different ‘gospel’ that is not found within the confines of the Bible and therefore, they are NOT Christians. From such, run away.
By Sam Oluoch

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