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Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Article by Joseph Masunga, pastor Injili Bible church-Nairobi


In the year 2003, the Christian community worldwide was shocked to hear of the ordination of a gay (homosexual) bishop, Mr. Robinson in America.  A gay is a man who “marries” another man, something condemned by the Bible.  Among those who will not inherit the kingdom of God the list in 1 Cor. 6:9 includes male prostitutes and homosexual offenders.  It is also condemned as a shameful act for which God visits with great punishment and abandons such offenders (Rom. 1:27).  And yet Mr. Robinson had the courage to announce that God has called him to be a gay preacher.  It is true to say that errors are brought into the church because people do not read the Bible with a sincere desire to know what God says and obey.  It may also be that some who read the Bible are not saved and therefore cannot obey what it says.

In this article I intend to give you biblical advice on how to read your Bible in a way that will bring God's blessing in your life.  It is normally alleged that Kenyans do not read except when they are preparing for an examination.  This non-reading culture may easily affect genuine believers to the extent that they fail to read their Bibles daily.  To read the Bible daily, you require self-discipline.  It is like a person who wants to lose weight but only talks about it until his doctor tells him that his blood pressure is high because of his weight.  On hearing this he goes on a strict diet and vigorous exercise to keep his health.  In the same way reading the Bible daily will result from the realization that your spiritual well being depends on knowing and doing the will of God as it is revealed in the Bible.  As soon as you realize that you will start reading your Bible with a determination to know God’s will.

Now, let me draw your attention to three things you ought to know as you read the Bible.  I am assuming that you are already reading your Bible everyday because God creates interest in you to read the Bible when He saves you.  If you do not read the Bible at all and have no interest at all in the Bible it may be that you are not saved. Seek salvation in Jesus Christ even through reading it.

Firstly, you must know that all Scripture (written word of God) is given by inspiration of God and it is profitable for teaching, rebuking, correcting and instruction in righteousness (2 Tim3: 16).  The Bible is a Holy Book as it is the word of the living God.  Therefore it must be held with utmost affection by all Christians and much time must be given to reading it daily.  It is in the Holy Bible that God speaks directly to us. What the Bible says God says.  Practically, it means that you must create time, choose a quiet place, make a plan to read the whole Bible (66 books) and cultivate a proper attitude towards it.  You must ask yourself whether the knowledge of the scriptures brings from you greater devotion to Christ who is contained in every chapter (there are 1,189 chapters, 31,173 verses in the Bible).

Secondly, you must know the message of the Bible. The Bible is the only means through which God communicates eternal life and this life is in His Son, Jesus Christ (1Jn. 5:11). You must therefore believe in the Son of God in order to receive eternal life.  But how can people believe in someone of whom they have not heard?  They

must know the person and the work of the Lord Jesus Christ.  It is the Bible that reveals Jesus Christ to us and works faith in us because faith comes from hearing the word of God in the Bible (Rom 10:17).  We are all dying men and women in a dying world and the Bible alone tells us the way of salvation.  After salvation, the continuous change that takes place in the life of those saved in order for them to be like Christ can only be accomplished by a constant and conscious exposure to the word of God:  “Desire the sincere milk of the word so that you may grow” (1Pet. 2:2).

Thirdly, you must know the testimony of the Bible. The Bible bears witness to the Lord Jesus Christ.  He is the theme of the whole Bible.  The Old Testament points forward to the coming of Jesus Christ while the New Testament points back to him. Jesus told the unbelieving Jews to search the Scriptures for they testify about Him (John 5:39).  As Jesus walked on the road to Emmaus with the two bewildered disciples because of His death, He explained to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself (Luke 24:27).  Simply stated the whole Bible is a revelation of what God in Christ has done, what promises He has made and what He requires from us for His glory and our good.

With these encouragements, I plead with you to start reading your Bible with a renewed devotion in order to know the Saviour Jesus Christ, and to make Him known to all as He is revealed in the Bible.

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